Wednesday, July 31, 2019

When I Was a Lad

Throughout my life, a number of events have happened that I have never forgotten. None of these things are particularly important, but each of them have made such an impression on me that I have never been able to get them out of my mind. Each of them have remained seared on my memory. The first occurred when I was about five or six years old, every weekend my family and I would go into town to do the weekly shopping. My sisters and I would each be given a pound with which to buy an ice cream. If we had any change left over, we would go to a nearby sweet shop and buy a small pick ‘n' mix. However, one day, we passed by a bookshop which was filled from floor to ceiling with shelves upon shelves of books and magazines. In the window, was the 1992 Beano Annual which I wanted more than anything in the world. I used to buy the Beano comic every week on the way home from school with the change from my dinner money. I pleaded with my parents to buy me it but they told me that I would have to save up my change from my ice cream every week until I had enough money to buy it myself. My elder sister had also seen a book she liked and so decided to save up her money as well. So every weekend I would purchase a small ice cream instead of a large one so as to receive more change. However, my sister still purchased a large ice cream so she received less change than me. After a month or two of saving, my father took my sister and I back to the bookshop. I was quite confident that I would have a bit of money left over and I was correct, after I had purchased the Beano Annual I had a pound to spare. However, when it came to buying my sisters book she was just under a pound short of purchasing it. I thought that it served her right for being so greedy by purchasing a large ice cream every week. However, she started to cry, right in the middle of the shop. People were turning around and staring at us, so my dad took my pound off me and gave it to my sister! I was outraged! I hadn't had small ice creams all those weeks while she had large ones just so I could give my money to her! I stormed out of the shop and ran away as fast as I could, but my father soon caught up with me and gave me a good telling off before dragging me home. Now that I look back, I don't see why I made such a big deal about it. The next thing that stands out in my mind, happened two or three years later when my family and I went on holiday to Majorca. We stayed in an apartment on the top floor of the building that was directly next to the beach. The sun beamed down on us every day that we were there so we were on the beach most days. The beach was in a secluded bay in Porta Pollenca and the water was a lot warmer than at any British beaches. A couple of days into the holiday, my elder sister and I rented a pedalo. A pedalo is a funny looking rowing boat that is sailed by means of pedals and steered by a sort of joystick. We decided to pedal out into the middle of the bay where there was a small rocky island that would only be able to hold about three people at a squeeze. It took about five minute to reach the tiny island and we decided to get out and sit on it. We sat and looked out back at the beach and talked for what must have been about five minutes. My sister looked at her watch and said that we should be going as our parents would be wondering where we were so we turned around to get back into the pedalo only to find that it had gone! We looked around the bay and saw that it had floated quite a long way away, we were stranded! None of us could swim very well so we couldn't swim out to the pedalo. It was then that a large green crab crawled up onto the rock. My sister is afraid of anything with eight limbs, spiders and crabs alike, so she started to scream at the top of her voice and jump up and down, flailing her arms around. Everybody on shore started to point and stare at us. In the end, someone phoned the lifeguard and they came out and took us back to shore, it was so humiliating! It is memories like these that have shaped me into who I am today. I still have the 1992 Beano Annual up in the attic along with photographs of my holiday to Majorca. But in several years time, when these things are covered in layers of dust and are just about ready to fall apart, the memories that they have given me will live on for eternity in my mind, and when I'm old and senile, I can torture any grandchildren I may have by regailing them with tales of ‘when I was a lad'.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Individual Lesson Plan: Life Cycle of a Butterfly Essay

Introduction: In this lesson, 2nd grade students will participate in a class on the life cycle of a butterfly. Students will learn standards-aligned science concepts and also benefit from cross-curricular instruction, through the incorporation of reading, writing, and hands-on activities. These modalities will be used to help students understand the concept of the life cycle and make real-life connections to the human life cycle. The lesson will last for approximately forty-five minutes. The lesson will be taught within a small suburban school of approximately 650 students, ranging from kindergarten to 5th grade. The school currently is receiving Title 1 funds, with 70% of its students on free or reduced breakfast and lunch. The school is currently in good standing and has met AYP for the past two years. There are a total of 20 students in the class, which displays the following demographics: 50% Caucasian, 20% African-American, 20% Hispanic and 10% Asian. The class distribution includes 12 boys and 8 girls, and a total of 5 ELLs. Two students have an active IEP, and five students have been identified as gifted and talented. The language level of the students is classified as the elementary or intermediate level of English language proficiency. Description of Lesson: Lesson: Butterfly Life Cycle Time Allotment: This lesson will be taught in one forty-five minute class period. Content Objectives: By the completion of this lesson students will meet two objectives. Students will be able to identify the four life cycle stages of a butterfly. Also, all students will be able to list the stages of the butterfly life cycle in order. Language Objectives: The second grade students will also meet two language objectives by the end of this lesson. Students will identify the Greek roots of certain vocabulary words. Students will also define the term â€Å"compound words†. State Standards: The student will investigate and understand that plants and animals undergo a series of orderly changes as they mature and grow. (Grade two content science standards, 2007). Key Vocabulary: In this lesson students will become familiar with a variety of key vocabulary words to include the following: Oval egg, caterpillar, larva, metamorphosis, chrysalis, pupa, imago, forewing, wingtip, hindwing, margin, abdomen, thorax, proboscis, antennae, and wing base. Materials: Students will use several materials in order to complete this lesson, which are listed as the following: paper bag, small plastic representations of butterfly stages to put in paper bag, KWL graphic organizer, computer stations with internet access for ESL students, clay, utensils to carve into clay, Greek root/compound word identification assessment sheet, life cycle stage and body part labeling assessment sheet. SIOP Features: This lesson will utilize the following SIOP features: ————————————————- SIOP Features: ————————————————- PreparationScaffoldingGrouping Options ————————————————- ___ Adaptation of Content_X_ ModelingX Whole Class ————————————————- _X_ Links to Background___ Guided practice___ Small Group ————————————————- _X_Links to Past Learning___ Independent PracticeX Partners ————————————————- ___ Strategies Incorporated_X_ Comprehensible Input___ Independent ————————————————- ————————————————- This lesson begins by drawing on information students have recently learned in previous lessons about shapes and textures as well as student background knowledge about butterflies, the focus of this lesson. Before the students arrive in the classroom, the teacher will place small plastic representations of butterflies in a paper bag; a total of 4 models representing the four life stages of butterflies will be placed in the bag. When the students arrive, the instructor should begin with the following exercise, which is designed to capture student interest and highlight key vocabulary words in a â€Å"kid-friendly† manner in order to increase comprehensible input. The instructor should close the bag and shake it, after which students should take turns putting their hands in the bag to feel the models. The teacher should ask the students to describe the shape and texture of what they feel, offering the options of â€Å"square†, â€Å"oval†, triangular†, â€Å"rod-shaped†, â€Å"smooth†, â€Å"rough†, and â€Å"fuzzy†, for example. The teacher should remind the students of the definitions of these words and ask the students to guess what they are feeling in the bag, writing all the guesses on the board. Once all students have had a turn, the instructor will reveal the models and explain that they represent the different life stages of a butterfly, emphasizing how the organism takes on different forms and textures depending on the stage it is in. The instructor will then engage the students in a 3-minute whole class discussion about their experience with butterflies, after which he should present the content and language objectives for this lesson. Lesson Focus: The teacher will present a KWL graphic organizer on the white board, explain that it will be used to help understand the literature on butterflies that they will soon read, and then model how it should be completed, using the teacher’s own background knowledge about butterflies. The sample graphic organizer should remain on the board to be used as a reference while students complete their own sheets. Guided Practice: The teacher will lead the class to the computer lab, KWL charts in hand, and pair students in heterogeneous strong language/low language couples before instructing them to log onto the website. The instructor should walk around the room, observing student progress and giving extra help to pairs with ELL’s who might be struggling to gain understanding from the website or completing the KWL chart. ELL students who seem to be having great difficulty reading should be shown how to read the literature in their native language if it is one of the options. After the reading, students will return to the classroom where the teacher will lead a grand discussion on the vocabulary words that students encountered, giving a mini-lesson on compound words when reviewing the terms â€Å"wingtip†, â€Å"hindwing†, and â€Å"forewing† and a mini-lesson on words with Greek roots and their root definitions when reviewing the terms â€Å"metamorphosis† and â€Å"chrysalis.† For the purpose of engaging ELL students whose native language is Latin-based, the teacher should explain how many English cognates, alternatives to more colloquial terms, are very similar to the counterparts in the ELL’s first language, giving the example of the word â€Å"calculate† as opposed to the term â€Å"figure out†. Independent Practice: The teacher will explain that the class will now do individual projects involving the creation of butterfly models. The teacher should show completed clay models of the four stages of a butterfly life cycle and then demonstrate, using new clay and carving utensils, how to create a butterfly in its final stage so students understand the desired size and extent of detail. The instructor should then post pictures of the butterfly stages on a readily visible board and distribute the materials to students (clay and carving utensils). The teacher will then walk through the room, aiding students as necessary in the creation of their models. Review/Assessment: After creating the models, the students will be assessed to determine if they have achieved the content and language objectives. Individually, the students will complete a multiple choice test assessing their ability to identify compound words and the definition of â€Å"metamorphosis† and â€Å"chrysalis† as well as a sheet on which the student will be required to label the life cycle stages and the body parts of a butterfly. Students should spend no more than 10 minutes on both assessments, but ESL’s will be given an extra five minutes to complete them. Students will receive a percentage score on both assessments and must receive at least an 85% on either test to demonstrate mastery of the material. Conclusion: At the conclusion of this lesson, students will be able to identify the various stages of the life cycles of a butterfly. Students will also understand that all living things have a life cycle, and specific attributes of the life cycle stages vary from one species to the next. This lesson utilizes not only content-based instruction but also sheltered instruction, which helps to promote English language proficiency, in part by rendering the information being presented more readily comprehensible. It is designed to educate English language learners, as well as the general student population. According to Echevarria, Vogt, and Short (2008), â€Å"ELLs must pull together their emerging knowledge of the English language with the content knowledge they are studying in order to complete the academic task† (p. 6). Throughout the lesson, students will learn science concepts and also benefit from cross-curricular instruction through the incorporation of reading and writing into the lesson. As an extension activity, students will take a field trip to the Museum of Science, where they will be able to see the similarities and differences between various species’ life cycles, including egg development, plant growth, and metamorphosis. Students will then participate in a post-test life cycle activity, to reinforce learned concepts, and address any gaps in comprehension. References Common Wealth of Virginia Board of Education. (n.d.). English standards of learning. Retrieved from Commonwealth of Virginia Board of Education. (2003). Science standards of learning curriculum framework . Retrieved from Echevarria, J., Vogt, M., & Short, D. (2008). Making content comprehensible for English learners: The SIOP ® model (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. The Children’s Butterfly Site. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Fundamental Perspectives and Techniques of Decision Making Dissertation

Fundamental Perspectives and Techniques of Decision Making - Dissertation Example In the contemporary uncertain business contexts, making a decision which has certainly long-term implications on business requires thorough understanding of all possible future situations and more importantly the managerial ability to balance both controllable and uncontrollable parameters (Bhushan and Rai, 2004, p. 3). Managerial decisions are key factors to influence a firm’s success and failure. Managers need to ensure that their firms are able to continually innovate and get accustomed with changing business environments so that it can maintain a reasonable stance and pace in competitive edge. If managers want their firms to survive in the dynamic and uncertain business conditions, they need to carry out effective decision making processes. ... Creative thinking aims at bringing newer ideas whereas problem solving is directed to find a solution, an answer or a conclusion (Adair, 2010, p. 1). An individual or organizational decision is the end result of much more dynamic processes and a series of activities labeled as ‘decision making’. McGrew, Wilson & Wilson (1982, p. 5) stated that the decision maker, in his decision making process, identifies the problem, clarifies particular goals that are desired, examines various possibilities for achieving the desired goal and finally completes the process by taking a definitive choice of action. Decision is therefore an answer to a specific question or some problems or a choice between two more courses of actions. Ahmad, Hasnain and Venkatesan (2012, p.21) described a five-stage process for decision making. It comprises of identifying all alternatives, valuing these different choices according to preferences and potential outcomes, assembling the information, choosing a mong the preferences and outcomes and finally selecting the most favourable and appropriate choice. Decision that has been taken after careful coordination of information, evaluation of potential outcomes and analyzing of various preferences based on advices, suggestions and help of people involved as members in a group-decision making has been found to be very effective in terms of its appropriateness and positive outcomes. Decision making is a cognitive process that involves logical reasoning and creative thinking about choosing a specific course of action that is supposed to bring the decision maker to a certain result. One of the key challenges in decision making is reducing or eliminating the uncertainty. A better way to avoid uncertainty is to collect relevant information before

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Malcolm X's realization of self identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Malcolm X's realization of self identity - Essay Example I understand Malcolm considered him as a black person right from his childhood. His imposing struggle to become a spokesman was always discouraged by the societal benefit enjoyed by the white community. You know, it is an example of the present day’s America. As you know well, when diplomacy fails, there is war; that is what happened to this man. Continuous rehearsal of humiliating events took him to the verge of reacting violently. And you know, as a result of this incident, he turned a rebel and started exhibiting a deviant behavior against anything he disliked. As an argument line I believe that his life resembled a Russian roulette game. Expectation of a good turn out from any endeavor is the right of every individual. He evaluated the priorities of the society and found that he must be white or of a fighting nature to stand against the inequalities in the society. I mean, Malcolm was transforming himself to be a governor of the consolidated feelings of the depressed black minds. I would like to give emphasize to the fact that Malcolm strongly opposed the white’s control of education and occupation. With his struggles for upholding the prestige and rights of the black, he took chances of risking his life. He never feared the impact of failure; success or failure seemed same to him. His objective of the fight was as solid as his thoughts. I think, he encouraged the indigenous equality claims of the black, because, the topography of American soil had become a stage for the white actors to demonstrate the cruel ways of discriminating the black. Let me consider Malcolm’s life in the prison for that longer term as a reformative time for him. He confronted questions about his color of his kin and hair. A white in the jail was a jinx across his life path. He had to apply himself, to the toxic conditions that people created with the uncontrolled use of chemicals to dye hair. Looking like a white was much more essential to survive on the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Investment Strategy and Portfolio Management Assignment - 1

Investment Strategy and Portfolio Management - Assignment Example The firm has anticipated that fund withdrawals by members who have invested for at least five years will exceed fund inflows (from new and existing contributors) by 7% per annum on average for the subsequent five years. A suggested interpretation of this 7% figure is: (Cash outflows during year – cash inflows during year) / Total assets at 1/1/2014 = 7%The trend, therefore, calls for strategic measure to be taken to ensure the continued survival of the initiative. The investment committee will have to establish strong measures to ensure that the competitors do not out do the Morris Capital.Over the last few years, the world’s financial system has gone through its greatest crisis since the Great Depression. Rigorous financial predicaments have come into sight concurrently in a number of regions, and the economic crises are being felt all through the universe as a consequence of the increased interconnectedness of the worldwide economy.To successfully achieve competitive advantage Morris capital must initiate investment strategies to meet the deficiency that will be incurred after the initial investor members’ start withdrawing their money from the initiative. The investment committee will appreciate using either the active or passive investment approaches. The investment committee is obliged with;†¢Ã‚  How to come to a new level of growth and sustainable profitability in an environment of low interest rates (Bernstein 2001)†¢Ã‚  Rebuilding asset quality and strengthening their capital adequacy

Friday, July 26, 2019

Discuss the careers of Julius Caesar and Octavian. What did their rise Essay

Discuss the careers of Julius Caesar and Octavian. What did their rise to power mean for the republican from of government What - Essay Example He not only created a central government in Rome but also suppressed all the armed resistance which was out in different provinces. The entire was knit into one cohesive unit by establishing a new constitution; Octavian was also very actively involved in all these efforts and deserves equal credit if not more. All these goals were accomplished by Caesar and Octavian when they comprehensively defeated Pompey and his allies. The Republican form of government could not do anything significant to stop Caesar and Octavian; Caesar decreased their power and kept increasing his power to become one of the most influential dictators of all time. Caesar reformed the calendar which is considered to be the most important of his reforms. â€Å"Caesar carried out his reforms in the traditional manner, in the centuriate and tribal assemblies, the senate and through edicts. He rarely tampered with the traditions of the Republic; only in his concepts of citizenship and the provinces did his visionary genius truly appear.

How to Write the Essay Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to Write the Essay - Term Paper Example Two different types of prewriting are free writing and clustering. Free writing is the process by which a writer picks up pen and paper and just starts writing about all the different thoughts, concepts, and ideas that come into their head in regards to their particular topic. This may or may not cause the writer to drift slightly off topic at times, as thoughts of one subject may lead to thoughts of another, however, that may also serve to strengthen their particular paper, or give the writer a slant by which they want to use to address the particular topic at hand. Clustering is another form of prewriting; it involves the use of a doodle, or a diagram, in which the primary topic is the central, or primary, circle. Once the primary circle has been created, the writer will then take lines and draw additional circles as connected to the primary circle with all of the words they associate with that particular topic. For example, the topic of cars may have circles going off to technical specs, history, and so on; each of those circles would then have additional lines going off of them with their own circles and so on. A high school diploma is important to my future because it will ensure that I have the necessary educational requirements to get my start in life. My diploma will allow me to gain access to the college of my choice, which will get me that much further to my career goals. While I am studying and working towards attaining my career goals, my high school diploma will allow me to get my start in the workforce, as most jobs nowadays require, at a minimum, a high school diploma. A job of my own will work to ensure my financial independence, and work towards my other goals of being a fully independent and self-sustaining individual.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Supercomputers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Supercomputers - Research Paper Example a. The first supercomputer was put to use at Columbia University between 1954 and 1963 to find missile trajectories. The supercomputer was known as the IBM Naval Ordnance Research Calculator capable of performing 15,000 operations per second (Columbia University, 2013). c. Xie et al. (2010) emphasize that evolution in computer components facilitated the development of supercomputers. Beginning with an early stage development, it evolved into vector supercomputer stage then flourished to massive parallel processing supercomputer stage and then evolved further to the cluster stage. Ever since late 60s, the performance of supercomputers has improved almost 10 times per spell of four years surpassing even Moores law. Advantages of supercomputers are speed, accuracy, and capability to charter in unknown territories such as space-research, discovering genomes coding that are otherwise very difficult to perform. On disadvantages side, its high cost and huge power consumption can be cited. High power consumption leads to heat generation that in turn, increases frequent replacement of the important parts increasing its maintenance cost. Due to fast advances in computer field today’s supercomputer can be redundant as time passes by (Newman, 2011). 1. An IBM system installed at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2008 is able to compute at the rate of 1.026 petaflop per second. The system is nicknamed as "Roadrunner". It is important to note that this is one of the most energy efficient systems during the time. The Square-Kilometer Array (SKA) project aims at developing the largest radio telescope in the world for space research. This will be done by establishing a series of hundreds of smaller radio telescopes in the area of one-square kilometer. The purpose is to gather a vast amount of data extensively deep into the space. This will unfold how galaxies evolve and secrets about dark matter and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Bicycle Thieves Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bicycle Thieves - Movie Review Example The director of the movie Vittorio De Sica and Cesare Zavattini visit a brothel to do research on the film. The post-war Italy is immersed in poverty and the common people are directionless and destination-less. How poverty makes poor people lose their essential dignity is depicted in the movie poignantly. Ricci and his son Bruno begin to search for the bicycle but Rome is such a big city and police are not of much help. The father and son reach a restaurant, take refreshments and a little wine. The boy gets an opportunity to view the lifestyles of the rich as he sees a family eating plates of pasta and his father tells him "To eat like that, you need a million lira a month at least". After some time, to his great amazement, Ricci happens to see the bicycle thief and pursues him to reach a brothel. An ugly mob gathers, a cop arrives, but he is unable to take any legal action in the absence of the witness, as the complainant Ricci is the only witness. He is frustrated. In the closing sequence of the movie, Ricci is tempted to steal a bicycle himself, and the cycle of theft and poverty continues. Prominent among the Cast are Enzo Stailoa, Enzo Staiola, Lamberto Maggiorani and Lianella Carell. The experiment of introducing non-professional actors and shooting in natural locations is a new experiment and it brings about revised procedures in articulating truth and the ideas that influence the people. It is the demand of the time as well; the film makers face the budgetary constraints in the desperate post-war situation. The studios are devastated; unemployment not only makes the life of the people miserable but impossible to carry on, resulting in suffocating poverty. The experimentation of neo-realist philosophy through this movie has been highly successful. Other Cinematic Characteristics There is a famous scene on and around a bridge over the Tiber. The father, played by Lamberto Maggiorani, who has earlier stuck his son, turns back from his search in fear because he thinks the boy is drowning in the river. So also shooting of the most of the scenes in the movie are filmed i n real locations, without creating artificial and make-believe sets. The director is able to provide the sensitive touch and dealing with the untrained cast has specific advantages. They are ideal raw material for

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Quantum and Thermochemical Structure lap report Assignment

Quantum and Thermochemical Structure lap report - Assignment Example Because of the difficulty of maintaining clean metal surfaces under vacuum, quantitative measurements of the photoelectric effect could not be made for many decades. However, as technology improved, it became evident that the energy of ejected electrons was not related to the intensity of the light waves used, and also that below a certain light frequency - for a given material - no electrons at all could be ejected. Eventually it became possible to determine the relationship between the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons and the frequency of light used to eject them, and this was one of the major factors leading to the development of the quantum model. The kinetic energy of photoelectrons (E) can be measured by determining the voltage required to just stop the ejection of electrons (V) and multiplying this by the charge on an electron (e). Equation 1: V (J C–1) x e (1.602 x 10–19 C) = E (J) Experimentally, the dependence of E on frequency turned out to be: Equatio n 2: E (J) + k1 (J) = k2 (Js) x ? (s–1) Where k1 was different for every metal and k2 was exactly the same for every metal. What’s more, k2 was exactly the same as a ‘fudge factor’ that had been introduced into a theory developed a few years earlier to explain a completely different phenomenon. In this experiment you will carry out solo measurements to determine k1 and k2. Unlike early 20th century researchers, you will not need to spend several years constructing your apparatus from scratch, but will use a demonstration apparatus designed to measure the stopping voltage of electrons ejected from Cs3Sb in a vacuum. Experimental: The EP-05 photoelectric effect apparatus was used to measure the stopping voltage of light at 8 different wavelengths. A modified spectrometer was used t o provide UV-visible light. The wavelengths tested were 400 nm, 425 nm, 450 nm, 475 nm, 500 nm, 525 nm, 550 nm, and 575 nm. The photoelectric apparatus was set up such that the ap erture in front of the photodiode was positioned near the light source. The dials with labels â€Å"zero† and â€Å"voltage† was set to minimum before the shutter was closed. The plotting was initiated using the Lab View window. The voltage dial was set to maximum while the other dial was turned until nanoampere readings reached zero. The voltage dial was set back to minimum before the shutter was opened to increase the nanoampere reading to 10. The voltage dial was maximized once again to recheck that the â€Å"zero† dial was adjusted properly. Once everything was set, the stopping voltage was minimized and the plotting of nanoamperes versus stopping voltage was reset and started at the Lab View window. The output current in nanoamperes were determined by slowly turning the voltage dial. The measured current was recorded and then plotted according to its stopping voltage reading. The measurement is ended when the critical value for stopping voltage where there is minimal change in nanoamperes with respect to voltage is achieved. The whole procedure was done for each of the 8 chosen wavelengths. Results: The experiment was done properly and all the needed data were acquired. The numerical values obtained from the use of the apparatus can be found at the attached document. The plot of the graph and the summary of the derived values are the following: Figure1. Compiled plots for output current versus stopping

Monday, July 22, 2019

Describe and evaluate two treatments of unipolar depression Essay Example for Free

Describe and evaluate two treatments of unipolar depression Essay Describe and evaluate two treatments for unipolar depression (25 marks). It has been believed that psychological disorders, like physical illnesses, have organic causes. Therefore, mental disorders are treated just like physical ones. Earlier treatments have included things like trepanning which was carried out in the stone again. Nowadays we have much safer and effective treatments such as therapies and drug treatment. Low levels of both noradrenaline (nora) and serotonin (sero) have been found as being important in unipolar depression (UD) and so it seems logical to treat depression with drugs which increase the availability of these neurotransmitters. Tricyclic, a type of anti-depressant, appears to work by blocking the reuptake of nora and sero. They block the transport route that would normally allow these neurotransmitters to be taken back into the pre-synaptic neurones. This means that nora and sero remain in the synapse longer which leads to an increase in the synaptic activity in the neurones. This helps the transmission of impulses to neurones which use up nora and sero. Another type of drug treatment is the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs work in a similar way to tricyclics but affect only the levels of serotonin in the synapses. In order to make efficient use of the body’s resources there is a system whereby serotonin isn’t wasted in the synapse but ‘taken back’ by the pre-synaptic neuron. If this mechanism is impaired by using inhibitor drugs then the sero which isn’t received by the post-synaptic neuron remains in the synapse. This extends the duration of the message being transmitted and/or increases the message intensity. Both SSRIs and tricyclics reduce the symptoms of depression and improves mood. However, these drug treatments don’t always work. The success rate for them is around 60% but it varies from person to person, as do the side effects. There is, however, many different types of drug and each may have a  different success rate. It must be remembered that the ‘success’ of drug treatments for one person may be seen as something completely different to another. Kirsch et al collected data for the licensing of four new-generation anti-depressants. These were all SSRIs. A meta-analysis was carried out comparing the improvements seen in patients taking SSRIs with the improvements in control patients who had received placebos. They found that there was ‘no difference at moderate levels of initial depression’ between the improvements of those receiving SSRIs and those receiving placebos. This shows that the placebo appeared to benefit moderately depressed individuals. This could be due to the sufferers being presented with hope of reducing their symptoms. This contrasts with the results found of severely depressed groups who experienced lessened symptoms, which discredits the placebo effect. It could be argued that the drug itself may have a ‘placebo effect’ where a person feels that they are getting better because they are taking a pill, no matter what the pill is. It could be that the person is helping themselves and the drug is simply supplying the idea that they’re getting better when it does nothing to them. Geller et al found that double blind studies showed anti-depressants to be more effective than placebos for children and adolescents. This could be because there are differences in development between children’s and adult’s brains concerning their neurochemistry. Therefore, children and teenagers may not need to use chemistry altering drugs and could just take a placebo instead as they seen to work better than anti-depressants. Furthermore, Ferguson et al found that those treated with SSRIs were twice more likely to attempted suicide than those treated with a placebo. However, a later review found that a higher risk of suicide was amongst adolescents and decreased amongst adults. This supports Geller’s theory that SSRIs are more effective on adults than adolescents, reinforcing Geller’s view. Drugs have been found to be appropriate and effective at preventing relapse and giving the sufferer a good quality of life meaning they can integrate  back into society and return to everyday tasks. Alternatively, research such as Kirsch, Geller and Ferguson is based on correlational studies. This makes it difficult to say whether UD is caused by low levels of neurotransmitters or if it’s visa-versa. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a therapy which treats depression by combining both cognitive and behavioural techniques. The aim of this is to help people who have mental disorders to cope better with their lives and coincidentally feel better. Ellis suggests that depression is due to irrational beliefs but is also maintained by reinforcement. Rational Emotive Behavioural therapy (REBT) aims to replace self-defeating beliefs with adaptive beliefs and uses the ABC model. An example of this is a student getting a good grade for their essay. This is the ‘activating’ of an event. How the person interprets an event or situation is where the ‘belief system’ comes in. The emotional response is then observed which is the ‘consequence’ of the action is. The aim of REBT is to develop a ‘D’ aspect adding a ‘dispute system’ to replace B, adding an adaptive belief, so the person realises they do not have to be perfect. The therapist will ‘test’ patient’s beliefs with actions which challenge their faulty thinking. Often they can be blunt with clients and not show sympathy in order to avoid reinforcing the problem. Cognitive therapy (CT) by Beck involves the use of ‘thought catching’ and ‘behavioural activation’. Thought catching involves the observation of client’s thinking and see how their thoughts influence their feelings. This brings around the realisation that even though their thoughts can seem factual, they are often not. Behavioural activation is where the client is encourage to find activities they might enjoy and put themselves in a position where they may have to deal with ‘cognitive obstacles’ so they can see that they are getting better whilst being active. Butler et al looked at a meta-analyse of the effectiveness of CBT in the treatment of a variety of conditions and found it was ‘somewhat superior to anti-depressants in the treatment of adult depression’. This shows that CBT  is highly effective for treating UD as supporting evidence was found across an entire range of data, making the results more reliable due to the large amount of information covered. However, Holmes reported that in ‘the single largest study’ of treatments for depression, CBT appeared to be less effective than other psychotherapies and drug treatments. It was also pointed out that evidence for the effectiveness of CBT comes from studies of patients who have depression but no other symptoms. This suggests that CBT may be less effective for people who have multiple diagnoses or are considered to have comorbidity. It may be that CBT’s nature is to only focus on one mental illness due to how quick it is compared to other treatments for mental health disorders and therefore isn’t able to relieve all. In conclusion, the diathesis-stress model would suggest that someone is born with a predisposition for UD but something from their environment must trigger it in order for them to suffer from it. Therefore it makes sense that a physiological treatment such as drug therapy should be used alongside a psychological therapy such as REBT in order to ensure that the treatment does in fact work as Holmes’, Geller’s and Ferguson’s research has shown it may not.

Castle Life in Medieval Times

Castle Life in Medieval Times The Medieval Times was an extremely rough era for many people. The people in Medieval Europe had to work outrageously hard. Those that were considered to be common people of this time lived in very poor housing with little to no luxuries, and those of nobility lived in castles. While castle life is believed to be extremely luxurious, residing in a castle during Medieval Times was very difficult. Castles have been a dominant symbol of the Medieval Era for many years and have been used throughout history, from the Roman forts to the complex structures in the 15th century (English 158). Castles were built on artificial hills surrounded by a moat. Those who built the castle would dig a ditch around where the castle would stand and put the dirt on it to make the artificial hill (Johnson 93). When castles were first built they were made mostly of wood (Castle Architecture). The reason for wood being mainly used in the construction of a castle was because wood was found easily in Europe, along with it being less expensive and easy to transport (Castles in the Middle Ages). The early castles also had layers of clay and stone, this was to ensure that castles were strong enough to hold up in a time of war (Johnson 93). However, castles soon were built with just stone because the wood was too flammable (Castle Architecture). Using stone actually worked out better because this made the castles stronger than before. However, it was harder to build the castles how they desired considering stone is less flexible than wood, and this dilemma resulted in the early castles being less elegant (Castles in the Middle Ages). Since stone is very strong, if the castle was to be damaged or destroyed the materials from the castle would be used to make a new castle or repair the current one (Castle Architecture). During the times of the Medieval Era, there were many changes in the way they did architecture to make castles stronger. Those who built the castles of the Medieval Time took the concept of arches from the Roman Empire and created a pointed arch to make the structure stronger. The change made the force of all the stones go down and out which locked the stones into place resulting in a very strong and beautiful castle, along with a strong foundation (Castles in the Middle Ages). When arriving to a castle, one would have to cross a moat and a drawbridge (Life in a Middle Ages Castle). Some moats were filled with water and others filled with spikes (Johnson 94). Upon crossing the drawbridge one would come to a door which had towers on both sides (Life in a Middle Ages Castle). Theses towers were used to watch for oncoming enemies or signs of rebellion, also these towers were used to shoot enemies that might be at the gate (Johnson 93). As one enters the castle the first sight would be the courtyard which is where those who live in the castle would be in times of war. Also, one would see the Great hall, the chapel, and the kitchens (Life in a Middle Ages Castle). The main part of the castle was the Great Hall (Thomas). This is where the Lord or King stayed when war was not present (Life in a Middle Ages Castle). The Great Hall was basically a big room with a loft ceiling. Sometimes the Hall was on the bottom floor, but for better security it was usually built on the second floor. This room was setup like a church will posts or pillars in rows supporting the roof. In order to get to the Great Hall on the second floor one would have to enter by using the outside staircase (Thomas). When under attack, the staircase would be removed to protect those in the castle (Johnson 93). Castles in the early part of the Medieval Era were very bulky and not pleasant for those who lived inside of the castle (Castles in the Middle Ages). The castle had small rooms, not including the Great Hall, heated only by fireplaces, and also had bad ventilation (Life in a Middle Ages Castle). Eventually, the heating by fireplaces improved greatly the fireplaces were struc tured to heat the wall so that it could then warm the room and the smoke could be carried out (Thomas). The kitchen was nothing extravagant, it was made originally with wood and the food was cooked by several fireplaces. If there was going to be a big feast, extra kitchens would be setup for that feast. Today we clean utensils in the kitchen; however, in the Medieval Era utensils were not cleaned in the kitchen but outside (Thomas). The Lord and his family slept at the upper end of the Great Hall. Each bedroom usually was separated by a piece of fabric (Thomas). The bedrooms of the Lord and his family were called solars (Johnson 97). Sometimes, the Lord and his wife would have separate solars. Their rooms would have peepholes in the wall decorations so they could see what was going on in other rooms (Thomas). The grown children of the Lord did not always get their own solars; a lot of times they had to share rooms with siblings, or even servants (Johnson 94). The main items in a solar would be a wooden framed bed with springs made of ropes or leather, a feather mattress, sheets, quilts, fur coverlets, and pillows. The bed had curtains that could be pulled back in the day and closed at night for privacy and for protection from the cold. The remaining furniture in the room was a chest, a wooden peg to hang clothes, and a couple of stools (Thomas). Castles had a central drawing point of water for washing and drinking on about every floor (Thomas). Most castles also had cisterns which would catch the rainfall (Johnson 97). The cisterns would be connected to pipes and carry the water to other floors. There were also many other pipes that would control the flow of water and carry off the waste water. People of those times would use wooden tubs surrounded by tents, for protection, and padded cloths for comfort. The bathroom was as close to the sleeping quarters as it could be. In other words, it was an opening in the wall where waste would escape from the castle wall and secrete into a river or moat (Thomas). Castles were not only homes for nobility, but it was also a defense mechanism against enemies (Life in a Medieval Castle: The Smells and Sights of Castle Life). During this time, it was also thought if an area did not have a castle, they were going to be defeated by their enemies. This pushed many areas to build castles (Coulson 31). The ideal location for a defensively strong castle was either on rocky ground, mountain passes, isolated peninsulas, lake islands, and hills (Castle Architecture). Wherever the castle was built, consideration was taken as to how the land would help defend the castle (Johnson 92). These castles were built in order to control territories and prevent people from taking over important parts of land (English 159). Also, they were built to protect the peasants and the economy. However, if the area was under attack, peasants were required to bring their animals and produce to the castle. In order for these things to be safe, it was also considered a payment for the communities protection (Johnson 92). The payment was somewhat deserved; it was very trying to live in a castle during times of war. Enemies would attempt to cut off water supply along with throwing things at the castle, such as, dead bodies. This would spread disease and force them to surrender (Medieval Life). While castles can be a place of protection, castles were considered to be home for many Lords and Kings. The Great Hall was where the Lord and his family would spend a large amount of time. This hall was a place where the family, along with those invited to the castle, enjoyed some of the things life had to offer like dancing, plays, poetry and many other things (Life in a Medieval Castle: The Smells and Sights of Castle Life). The Great Hall was also where meals were eaten. In the hall there was a large, oak, dining table and around the table were benches and stools where the guests would sit (Medieval Castle Life). The Lord and his family would be seated at the head of the table on a raised dais. This symbolized that they were above everyone else (Life in a Medieval Castle: The Smells and Sights of Castle Life). The dinners in the hall would usually be at five in the afternoon. It was a popular saying in the Middle Ages that to live to the age of 99 years old, you have to wake up a t five, dine at nine, have supper at five and go to bed at nine! (Medieval Castle Life). Other than the banquets that would be held in the castle, there was not much to do inside but play chess, listen to music or jokes from the jester. Outside of the castle people would usually, hunt for deer, bears, and wild boars, however, the main activities were weapons training and fighting, so they could be ready for battle. This was thought to be a great game (Life in a Middle Ages Castle). Living during Medieval Times was a lot harder than living in todays society. Although life in a castle may not have been the most difficult life during Medieval Times, it was still not as luxurious as it is pictured to be. Protecting the community was the job of the castle and the job of those that lived in the castle, which was why castle life was a very harsh life.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

History Of Corporal Punishment

History Of Corporal Punishment Corporal or bodily punishment is the deliberate use of force anticipated to cause pain or harm for correction, discipline, changing bad behavior or in sole faith of bringing up the child. This physical harm can be caused by hitting, whipping, beheading, stoning, Cutting off limbs, burning and many other different means. The phrase usually refers to systematically striking the suspect with an implement, whether in legal, family or educational settings. Most of the times the imposed judgment tends to inflict a manner of bodily pain upon the suspects without killing them. Since medieval times, corporal punishment was commonly used in areas that did not warrant capital punishment, exile or banishment. Most opponents of these punishments are greatly concerned of the widespread practice and the brutality with which this technique is repeatedly inflicted. Corporal punishment is also used to mean a wide range of punishments moving from forced labor, amputation and torture. This punishment co mes in a wide variety of names, some of which are generic and others shows the extent of punishment and severity of injuries sustained. These names include spanking, caning, swatting and paddling. In this paper, the mentioned terms are literally used to mean a general term for corporal punishment (Key Events in the Debate over Corporal Punishment, 2006). The gradual growth of humanitarian ideals has led to abandonment of this practice, and today in the west it has entirely been replaced with life imprisonment and penalties. Bodily harm or corporal punishment continues to be practiced in correctional facilities of many countries. In some Middle East and Asian countries, amputation and beheading remain prescribed punishments. This vice is currently prohibited by several international human rights conventions. Over years, governments and parents have deliberately and lovingly administered corporal punishment with true desire of producing individuals who are democratic and peace loving. In this paper I would like to discuss the influence brought about corporal punishment, how it originated, and effects it has on the victims (Who decides whats right History of Corporal Punishment Historically, physical punishment was generally used in the early times of Moses, in laws of Sparta, Troy, Athens, and many other Greek states. It was also practiced in medieval Christian church traditions especially in Judaism. Currently its practiced in many countries of the world and remains in the judicial systems of some European communities. Even if the history of corporal punishment is not certain, the barbaric practice was confirmed as early as the 11th century in ancient Israel and it was definitely practiced in conventional civilizations used by Egypt, Troy, Sparta, Rome and Greek. In those times, the punishment was mainly focused on legal and educational settings. In early Europe, corporal punishment was promoted by manners of the early church in the respect to the human body. Since the judicial and education setting were attached to the church, this had a drastic influence on the implementation of corporal punishment. Nonetheless, corporal punishment in those medieval tim es was criticized by Archbishop of Canterbury, philosophers like john Locke and catholic priests (Who decides whats right, 2001). From the late 15th century, new developments in corporal punishment started to emerge. Legal sentences turned into open spectacles, where suspects were punished openly to deter others from committing related offences. In early 18th century, the whole idea of corporal punishment was attacked from various quarters and it was seen as ineffective method of correcting bad behaviors. Most people argued in unison that punishment of any kind should focus on correction and not retribution. The end effects of these ideas led to slight decline in the use of corporal punishment. In England the use of legal corporal punishment reduced in early 20th century and it was finally eradicated altogether in June 1948.Even if the practice of corporal punishment as been eradicated in most countries, in some Asian and Middle East countries it is still preserved as a judicial sanction (Corporal Punishment Abroad, 1999). Corporal Punishment in Modern society. In the modern society, corporal punishment stands out as ordinary method of disciplining and dealing with criminals and unruly children. Even though it has been banned in some European countries and states, most judicial systems allows people to be disciplined whenever they commit unwarranted crimes and when a reasonable distinction between the punishment and abuse is accessed. Physical or corporal punishment is distinguished from other punishments in that the damages are inflicted on somebodys body. It generally occurs as a technique of physical punishment for crimes and as a way to discipline bad behavior in the modern society, corporal punishment is widespread and its mainly divided into three unique classes: Domestic corporal punishment-found within family settings and mostly involves women and children being punished by spouses, guardians, parents or family members. Educational corporal punishment-found in educational settings and involves punishments of students within schools by teachers and school management. Judicial or legal corporal punishment-generally involves a criminal sentence brought about by the court of law and directly related to prison physical punishment. Domestic corporal punishment found within family settings is generally done under the phrase spare the rod and spoil the child. It involves slapping, whipping or spanking the child. In most European countries, domestic physical punishments its outlawed while in most African countries and some states of the United States of America are legal. Educational corporal punishment found in educational settings involves punishments of students within schools by teachers and school administrators. Students here are punished for misbehaviors or abuse of school rules and regulations. Students are either slapped or whipped in some cases, or paddled. Corporal punishment used to be common in education settings in many parts of the globe, but in modern years it has been banned in virtually all of European countries, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Canada, and other small countries. In some parts of Africa and Asia it remains prevalent. Analytically, corporal punishment is most rampant among male stud ents compared to the female students and its more severe to males. Judicial or legal corporal punishment involves prescribed application of caning, whipping and strapping as an order from the courts. These punishments are common in African, Asian and Middle East countries. Most of countries with Islamic sharia laws employ ranges of these corporal punishments. As mentioned above, there are three settings in which corporal punishment is administered. Our focus in this paper will be in the judicial system and educational system. These settings commonly share similar unique characteristics that set them aside from other types of corporal punishment. Under extreme circumstances, Corporal Punishment is an effective method of punishing many people. It is a very adequate technique of keeping lots of the populace under control. It is mostly used as a caution to show the nation the penalty behind some of the dealings that certain citizens choose to execute. Is Corporal Punishment Abuse or Discipline? Antagonists of corporal punishment are precisely critical of its extensive practice and the brutality with which it is imposed. In many ways, corporal punishment can be referred as a gross abuse of fundamental human rights. Many people argue that its a good way of discouraging bad behaviors and crimes in the society but proportionally, the damage inflicted on somebodys body is not relative to crime committed. Its at times impossible for people to balance the concept of abuse and discipline. The subject of the use of corporal punishment in the society appears to be extremely contentious, with extremists analyzing both concepts of the continuum. Both abuse and discipline have a reasonable distinction and a good correction method can turn to abuse when overdone. When discipline results to bodily harm or affect the emotional level of a child or citizens, then it escalates into battering which is abuse. Obviously there are occasions of general abuse and of offensive bodily punishment. Thi s claim is inadequate to show even a connection between corporal punishment and abuse. Scientific research into probable connections between abuse and corporal punishment has not been conclusive so far. The fact that judicial corporal punishments cause bodily harm, it does not demand that punishment should never be imposed by anybody. If it has such power, then the system should not be blamed if individual supposed to administer the punishment exceeds their powers. Its critical and very difficult if we try to condemn the offensive but not, the nonoffensive use of corporal punishment. For this technique to be valued and respected, it should follow the due course of the law, it should bring bodily pain without injury, it should not discriminate people in terms of gender and religion and there should be appropriate timing when administering the punishment so that the victim would be emotionally prepared. Delayed punishment allows the due process of law to be followed regardless of the legal term justice delayed is justice denied (Key Events in the Debate over Corporal Punishment, 2006). Corporal punishment in individual countries Corporal punishment is established many countries of the world and its practiced with intention of punishing those affiliates of society who have committed atrocious crimes against fellow citizens and laws of the land. In some times its used to give families of victims a sense of tranquility. Various types of corporal penalty subsist around the globe and in mostly related to the religion and social cultures of the nation. In Afghanistan- corporal punishment was widespread during the Taliban reign from 1996 to 2002.Being an Islamic state, the sharia laws ordered punishments notably to all criminal offences. Flogging is the most widely used punishment here and are generally intended to be embarrassing rather than painful. Literally, at the moment the Whole criminal and Justice System of Afghanistan seems to be rotten and most of these punishments are being performed without proper legal proceedings. Apart from the courts, teachers are also attempting to affirm their power over students by punishing them. This is widespread across the country and most of the times leave students badly injured. Reports of students being caned, slapped, punched and kicked as now become a daily routine. The current government claims its trying to curb the vice but this has not been forthcoming as many reporters still publish stories of students being hospitalized from injuries sustained in schools. In addition to floggings, Saudi Arabia on its part uses cutting off limbs, stoning and mutilations of body parts as a technique of corporal punishment. In normal circumstances such punishment are highly contentious and beastly. In early years corporal punishment involved caning, slapping and flogging. But of late physical punishment like mutilations have been introduced via the sharia laws. Most British colonies like Botswana, Nigeria, Malaysia, and Tanzania also employ judicial whippings and caning for a variety of offences. These punishments are more serious in Islamic countries like the ones mentioned above and others that practice Islamic sharia laws. Other countries that have practiced judicial corporal punishments include Germany, Korea, Sweden, China, state of Delaware in United States of America, Burma and Vietnam. According to research, currently most industrialized countries have barred corporal punishment in their society. Some countries have gone a step further in outlawing any form of bodily harm by state organs, including the judicial system. Global Convention on Human Rights has made a treaty that force member countries to protect criminals and other groups from physical attack and abuses coming as a result of corporal punishments (Who decides whats right,2001). Pros and cons of corporal punishment In most cases, individuals who oppose corporal punishment do so on sole foundation of single unwarranted arguments. Usually they claim many reasons to support their beliefs. Most of the times they do not support their arguments on a particular theory or philosophy. Previously, many People in the world thought that the best and cheap way to punish criminals was use of physical force. This technique is meant to infringe pain to someone by flogging, whipping, caning, hitting or beating them. The most important reason of corporal punishment is to reprimand someone for committing crime and to educate people to learn from their previous mistakes. In general, corporal punishment has its pros and cons. Its supporters claim it offers advantages over other punishments in that it is fast to implement, cheap and discourages rowdiness experienced in some judicial systems. Advocates of this punishment also argue its cost effective in that it reduces prison congestion hence promote development of t he prison facilities. This approach promotes easier reincorporation of the suspected criminals back into the society since they are not imprisoned and most of the times the infringed wounds heals. There are greater chances of avoiding such crimes and less recidivism. Supporters of the corporal punishment in children, whilst accepting corporal punishment results to child abuse, most of them claim when properly managed it can be a the most successful technique of disciplining unruly children (Corporal Punishment Cessation ,1999). Research by Harvard university shows that most American families support minimal application of corporal punishment. Use of corporal punishment makes people appreciate social norms and understand doing something wrong result in one getting hurt (pain) and suffering. As many citizens know the consequence of disobedience the less the crimes there would be. This punishment has numerous unfavorable psychological effects like depression, anxiety, is degrading, rig idity, teaches the wrong lesson, and stems up sexual deviance. Opponents of this punishment claim that any form of bodily harm or violence is definitively abusive. corporal punishment result to lack of trust to those in authority and makes one hate the systems and organs infringing those pains (Applied psychology,1978). People who are bodily disciplined are most likely to grow up appreciative of it and using it to resolve interpersonal conflicts.In term of domestic and school corporal punishment, it leads to obliteration of trust bonds and finally makes a child grow shy, violent bitter and insecure. These abuses and beatings lower their self-esteem, and promote aggression and fury without reducing bad behaviors the ones the child was being punished for. Some antagonists of corporal punishment argues that this method is not effective in eliminating crime and unruly behaviors in that it does not deter those punished from repeating similar crimes and mistakes. Unjust corporal punishment can be prevented by providing systems that safeguards the rights of this people. To be effective, there could be restrictions on the crimes for which the suspects can be punished, the materials used to inflict the punishment, the severity of the strokes and the site in the body where the punishment would be performed. Punishment within schools and families are less easily monitored, so proper preventative measures should be taken to avoid injuries. In some instances external monitoring is effective to counter check if one is doing it right or wrong (Davenport, 2003). Conclusion In my own opinion, I dont support the use of corporal punishment even if this paper has proved it not always immoral to administer one. Corporal punishment is a horrible practice, even if justified; it should not be cheerfully embraced. Other effective methods can be coined to treat bad behavior and crime in the society as an option to corporal punishment. Currently, corporal or physical punishment has been outlawed in the majority of the global states since many people who administer them abuse it. After bad legal battles arise, the governments systems are put into disrepute. In my conclusion I can comfortably say there are many other ways of dealing with criminals and unruly children and corporal punishment is not one of them.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Divisibility Argument :: essays research papers

DIVISIBILITY ARGUMENT This paper will discuss the dualism’s Divisibility Argument. This argument relies on Leibniz’s Law and uses a different property to prove the distinctness of brain states of mental states. Mary, who is a materialist, presents several objections to that argument. Her main objection corresponds to the first/third-person approach. She believes that Dave presents that argument only from the first-person approach, which is introspection, and totally disregards the third-person approach, which is observation of another mind. Mary’s objections will follow by the Dave’s response on them from the dualist’s point of view. The purpose of the Divisibility Argument is to prove that mental states are different from the brain states. My body, which includes my brain, is divisible. However, I cannot conceive of my mind as divisible. Therefore, my mind is distinct from any part of my body. Descartes was the first who established the Divisibility Argument. He held that the two components which constitute man had an independent origin and are of a fundamentally different nature. The body is divisible, since it can be separated for example, my leg or my hand can be cut off; my brain can be cut on half. However, the idea of the divisible mind is inconceivable. This argument relies on the Leibniz’s Law. It is a principle about identity, which says, â€Å"if an object or event X is identical with an object or event Y, then X and Y have all of the same properties.† So if X and Y have any different properties, then X can not be identical with Y. Divisibility Argument uses a different property to prove the distinctness of brain states and mental states: the property of being indivisible. In this case, the mind has a property and brain lacks it. The body can be divided, however, it cannot be done with the mind. Mary has several objections to this argument. First, she believes that the mind is an entity, which is composed of several mental states: thoughts, beliefs, memories, desires, etc. Mary strongly disagrees with Descartes’ claim that the mind employs itself in its different properties: willing, desiring, understanding, and so on. Secondly, she clarifies the meaning of the word â€Å"conceive† in the Dave’s argument. The term â€Å"conceive† might mean either â€Å"imagine† or â€Å"understand.† Imagining literally involves â€Å"forming an image of† or â€Å"picturing† in one’s mind, whereas understanding is more â€Å"conceptual† and does not require the ability to picture something.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Emotional Poverty Within Material Wealth in Romeo and Juliet Essay

Shakespeare centers Romeo and Juliet on the tension of opposing forces, including the conspicuous dichotomies of life and death, peace and war, and young and old. But Shakespeare also explores the underlying theme of emotional poverty within material wealth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The affluence of the Capulets is apparent in the first act, when the stage is continually adomed, between scenes, for the family's banquet. First, before Juliet's initial appearance in 1.3, long crimson tapestries are unfurled from the gallery to coverthe cracked marble ofthe facade, and the bench is given an ornate cushion and the fountain a decorative cover. Before 1.4, a festive garland is strung acrossthe gallery, and additional benches are carried onstage. Finally, before the masque begins in 1.5, candelabra with burning candles are brought in to flank the gallery.   Romeo is seen brooding alone on the balcony. His first sighting of Juliet is then strikingly staged. All the revelers below, except Juliet, suddenly freeze in their motions, ghostly white masks held up to conceal their faces, and the stage darkens except for spotlights upon Romeo and Juliet. The grandeur of the Capulet home is dimmed into relative non-existence as Romeo and Juliet's sudden love springs to life. Shakespeare's stopped-motion technique is employed once more during the masque, again to dramatic effect. After Tybalt's rage against Romeo's intrusion is quelled--by a slap trom Capulet--the stage is again darkened, and the partygoers are once more frozen. their faces concealed behind the masks. Romeo and Juliet speak with each other for the first time, gracefully dancing in an emotionally charred circle at centerstage, Romeo attired in green velvet and Juliet in a splen... ... David Kortemeier depicts his earnest but ineffectual Friar Lawrence with dry humor and real fondness for Romeo. Shakespeare briskly paces the concluding scenes. He emphasizes the swiftness of events and multiplying misfortunes rather than lingering on moments as he had done with earlier sequences. This approach works welI in evoking the rapidity of the tragedy, but it deprives the play of some of its power. For example, Romeo's dying kiss with Juliet is followed immediately, almost comically, by the entrance of the Friar, well before the tragic nature of the double-suicide has had a chance to be fully absorbed. Nevertheless this production is effective drama, due especially to directorial prowess and a slew of rich supporting perfommances. Works Cited: Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. Eds. Maynard Mack and Robert Bayton. Portsmouth: Heinemann, 1981.

Title IX Essay -- Physical Education

In recent years, there has been a passionate debate that has gained considerable attention between same-sex physical education classes and coeducational physical education classes. Coeducation physical education classes were executed in an attempt to meet and sustain the requirements of Title IX. Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972, prohibits discrimination, exclusion of participating in, or receiving benefits of any academic program or activity, based on sex, in an educational institution receiving federal financial funds. Title IX provides integration of males and females in physical education classes; however, unfortunately, it does not guarantee equal treatment. Derry and Phillips (2004) stated in their study entitled, â€Å"Comparisons of Selected Student and Teacher Variables in All-Girl and Coeducational Physical Education Environments† that â€Å"physical education is the learning environment provided for youth in the United States to become successful in motor movement, skills, and game play†. Recent research has leading evidence to support that during coeducational academic classes and physical education classes, girls receive significantly less amounts of attention, feedback, participation opportunities and support and encouragement. Physical education classes should offer development of high levels of competence and self-esteem through a variety of physical activities, games and sports. However, research implies that coeducational physical education classes may not provide the optimal environment needed for learning certain specific skills. Furthermore, research also suggests that this environment in coeducational p hysical education classes’ changes due to one’s perception based on different developmental periods in t... Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 24(2), 149. Retrieved from SPORTDiscus with Full Text database. Derry, J., & Phillips, D. (2004). Comparisons of Selected Student and Teacher Variables in All- Girls and Coeducational Physical Education Environments. Physical Educator, 61(1), 23- 34. Retrieved from SPORTDiscus with Full Text database. Treanor, L., Graber, K., Housner, L., & Wiegand, R. (1998). Middle school students' perceptions of coeducational and same-sex physical education classes. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 18(1), 43-56. Retrieved from SPORTDiscus with Full Text database. Derry, Julie A. (2002). Single-Sex and Coeducation Physical Education: Perspectives of Adolescent Girls and Female Physical Education Teachers - Research. Melpomene Journal, Retrieved from

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Gender Inequality Within Society Essay

Society has conformed our minds to view gender based on one’s role in society. This labels the person as a man or a woman and then classifies them based on the â€Å"roles† that society has assigned for each. Gender inequality is caused by the unequal perceptions or even the way someone is treated, based on them being a man or woman. It tends to be the result of what is seen as socially constructed differences of the typical gender roles. This is a social problem I find compelling due to the impact it has on society. Gender Inequality can be seen in different instances, some I feel more apparent than others. It can be displayed through gender roles by classifying a man’s role in society, versus a woman’s role. Gender Inequality can also be seen amongst relationships and how they adapt to what society feels is the way they respond to the relationship. Inside the workplace is another form in which gender inequality can be apparent based on the job a man or woman have. Gender inequality is overall very diverse and wide spread; both men and women are perceived and treated in various unequal ways. Over time, gender inequality is seen by both objective criteria, through the articles that establish facts of the individual issues and through subjective experience, in which my perception and others filter throughout their own minds; causing gender inequality to become a compelling social problem today. Gender inequality is shown through the generic labels that society has established, based on the individual being a man or a woman. The social role theory proposes that â€Å"gender roles in society, such as a provider or protector roles for men and child-rearing and caretaker roles for women, strongly foster certain emotions, behaviors, and traits that meet societal expectations for those roles,† (Bascom and Wilson 2013). A man is viewed as physically stronger than a woman, where as a woman as seen as more emotional and caring. â€Å"Expected characteristics of men who fulfill these roles include being goal- oriented, assertive, aggressive, competitive, and courageous, whereas expectations for women, based on more communal roles include, being nurturing, kind, showing empathy and sympathy, and seeking social connections,† (Bascom and Wilson 2013). Society has established roles in which differentiate men and women, by focusing on how they, as individuals,  should portray different characteristics. This allows for the opportunity of mislead perceptions, by the displays of gender in an unequal manner. If a man shows any characteristics that only a woman should have, he may be seen as weaker or maybe even deviant. This is true for a woman too, as that if she portrays too much aggression or competitive characteristics, she may be too manly, instead of fulfilling what should be her more nurturing role. Both men and women seem to face gender inequality, not just one more than the other. They both can face criticism, unequal treatment and stereotypes based on whether they choose to follow the exact way society has classified the gender â€Å"norms.† Although society has created these labels, it solely comes down to the individual on whether or not they choose to be deviant against them completely, in some ways, or simply not at all. Gender inequality over the years has improved when it comes to relationships. However more often than thought of, the power of the relationship usually still lies within the male being more dominant. â€Å"Current theoretical conceptualizations of gender emphasize that it functions as a social structure, that this structure affects people at individual and interactional levels, and that the gender structure is, in turn, recursively affected by people’s actions within social relations,† (Masters, Casey, Wells and Morrison 2013). Society has created this gender structure in which it finds appropriately fitting for how a relationship structure should function. This is done based on the way a man should act and what he should do and in return, how a woman should act and what she should do. It affects those in a relationship individually but also the relationship in general based on the way they choose to interact with each other; following society’s idea of a relationship between a man or a woman or going against it. It isn’t the fact that society won’t approve of being deviant with the gender roles for a relationship, but rather that they may be perceived differently or treated unequally due to them making the choice to be deviant towards those roles. This will continue to be a social issue, unless society as a whole, forms against the relationship structure we have been told to follow. Inequality in the workplace seems to be one of the strongest aspects when it  comes to gender inequality within society. Within an organization, â€Å"patterns of gender relations constitutes a gender regime and can include inequalities between women and men in the shape of discrimination in relation to opportunities, access to services and allocation of resources or benefits; all of these aspects of gender inequalities influence women’s and men’s working life,† (Elwer, Harryson, Bolin and Hammarstrà ¶m 2013). Gender inequality in the workplace can be seen in various forms. Among many of the findings pertaining to gender inequality, one of the most consistent is women earning less wages than men. â€Å"The relational inequality theory predicts that when gender is a culturally salient hierarchal status distinction, women will tend to be excluded from high-wage firms and jobs,† (Avent-Holt and Tomaskovic-Devey 2012). When gender seems most important, or better yet, more apparent, it is more noticeable that men will make more money over a woman in the same position. More often in workplaces, men tend fill more manager type positions where as women tend to fill lower hierarchy positions. We expect that â€Å"male managers will be able to use their statuses to capture more resources, leading to larger gender wage gaps than in workplaces where men and women are randomly distributed across the workplace division of labor,† (Avent-Holt and Tomaskovic-Devey 2012). This also shows that a man in a higher position, tends to be placed there with assumption they are more qualified, therefore creating gender inequality; not only is this shown with wages paid, but within the workplace as a whole and the type of job a man receives over a woman. Because of this, people generally â€Å"estimate higher salaries for men than women because they associate men with greater occupational status or competence,† (Williams, Paluck and Spencer-Rodgers 2010). In today’s society a woman earns only seventy-seven cents to every dollar that a man earns. A woman may even have the same role as a man and generally will still make less money than him. Assumed they can perform in a more competent manner and have greater resources to allow them fulfill that position, a man is usually given a higher position over a woman who could have the same qualifications and ability to do the same job. Which is why gender inequality in the workplace exists within society. Today’s society is responsible for the overall existence of gender inequality. Society has created what it sees as the gendered â€Å"norms,†Ã‚  labeling a man and a woman individually by giving each different characteristics to which they should follow. This has allowed and opportunity for unequal perceptions to be created and for the way someone is treated to be different based on whether they are a man or a woman. Gender inequality is seen in the established gender roles, the relationship that can occur between and man and a woman and gender within the workplace The societal views which have conformed our mind, are the reasons to why this is a compelling social problem that exists and unfortunately will probably maintain its status in society for years to come. Bibliography Avent-Holt, D., & Tomaskovic-Devey, D. (2012). Relational Inequality: Gender Earnings Inequality in U.S. and Japanese Manufacturing Plants in the Early 1980s. Social Forces, 91(1), 157-180. Elwà ©r, S., Harryson, L., Bolin, M., & Hammarstrà ¶m, A. (2013). Patterns of Gender Equality at Workplaces and Psychological Distress. Plus ONE, 8(1), 1-10. Masters, N., Casey, E., Wells, E. A., & Morrison, D. M. (2013). Sexual Scripts among Young Heterosexually Active Men and Women: Continuity and Change. Journal Of Sex Research, 50(5), 409-420. Skolnick, A., Bascom, K., & Wilson, D. (2013). Gender Role Expectations of Disgust: Men are Low and Women are High. Sex Roles, 69(1/2), 72-88. Williams, M. J., Paluck, E., & Spencer-Rodgers, J. (2010). THE MASCULINITY OF MONEY: AUTOMATIC STEREOTYPES PREDICT GENDER DIFFERENCES IN ESTIMATED SALARIES. Psychology Of Women Quarterly, 34(1), 7-20.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Creation of the World

The reliableity of the hu adult male beings has many different theories only if according to Christian beliefs In the ascendant beau ideal created the heavens and the human beings. (Genesis 1) The Bible states that immortal created the world is a 7 twenty-four hours time frame in which he started when God created first created light and stray the light from the darkness, calling light twenty-four hour period and darkness night. On his heartbeat daytime of hold out God created an long area to separate the waters and called it sky. On his third God created the dry estate and gathered the waters, calling the dry state land, and the gathered waters seas. , God to a fault created plants and heads. Then on the fourth day God created the sun, moon, and the stars to give light to the earth to separate the day and the night. On the twenty percent day God created every liveness creature of the seas and every winged bird. On the sixth day God created the animals to bring the earth. On day six, God in like manner created man and women bringing man to the world for the first time.Adam and Eve were the first globe that God created, man out of frame and woman out of man. God gave them one rule and that was not to eat of the harvest on one particular tree in the Garden of Eden. Eve was talked into ingest the fruit by the serpent, and then she convince Adam to eat of it as well. When they had disobeyed God, they entangle ashamed and naked so they hid from him. subsequently talking with them, he punished them by banishing them from the Garden. This was the day sin entered the world and mans nature is now deplorably a sinful nature.This is why God sent his son to die on the cross for our sins so that we have the candidate to live with him one day for eternity. This is how humans first had to encounter a real live situation and choose amongst good and evil. Finally on day 7 God had finished his work of creation and so he rest on the seventh day, blessing it and devising it holy, and that is why Christians celebrate church and atomic pile on Sundays that being the seventh and last(a) day of the week.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Professional Ethics Statement: Ethical Foundations Essay

Ron dark-browns your respectable textile and principles ar to mould mending where workable. Ron embrown mustiness habituate the chasteity of organism interested for others, empathetic, responsible, accountable, grateful, motivated, and essay divinitys compassion which go out be my however salvation. These bawl out traits crop the devisings of the trounce honorable point which ordain mea undisputable to Ron brownishs achiever with gentleman and God. Person all in all(a)y, when dealing with batch Ron embrowns good cypher consists of respect, consideration, gratitude, avow of boundaries, cooperation, and honesty, trustworthiness, and kindness influences Mr. Rons sensing of the multitude when functional with and teaching. These ar the sphere that absolve much billing and equal otherwise the luggage compartment many a(prenominal) individuals t turningile sensation sucked into the black-hole or the abysm of complete good motive pursuit a le aders vision to personally survive. Michael Josephs pic suggested that ethical codeal motive is to a greater extent potential pushed divagation when it comes to complying with an organisational culture. many an(prenominal) of the individuals have sucked into the black-hole or the abysm of unoccupied moral philosophy to personally survive. This is the trunk of everyday, general spiritedness as Palmer (2004) states in that location is immersion of jobs where large number argon operative to contribute bills, thither is a strangle on achieving dreams, unending making excuses, the homo responsibilities carried on the backs of all tender-hearted beings. present it is, posing in a fate without consecutive deliverance.For example, rationalizations whitethorn pop out when instructors may sequester forth points on a fine-tune bookmans study but payable to the fact that it was late. by chance the disciple did non conceive the payable date. The ethical a dhesive to the insurance scour if it hurts the learner flirt a high studys constituted ethics disrespect the last of a assimilators moral and grade. specially when a disciple initiatory starts the online venture, the student is non sooner sure of all of the procedures. When the ethics of the go with or organisation fails the wad thence it is cartridge clip to reckon the restructuring of the ethic that fight the daub of prospective knowledge and excerption of Americans in the humankind realise securities industry (Bonhoeffer, 1995 Palmer, 2004 Borgmann, 2006 Butterfield, 2003). The eubstance of everyday, ordinary bicycle deportment is blind drunk with a weighed down exoskeleton.This complex quantity hitherto lightless shell that Ron dark-brown hides dos to temporarily protect, excrete, sense, support, lean and act as round adjuvant barrier against workaday organisms and vapor (Butterfield, 2003). Exoskeletons serve to found defenses from predat ors, pests and egis from violent possible invasions plot of land clinging to fear. commonwealth not comprehending my dilemma as an artist, musician, scholar, cede take heed in an everyplace organize parliamentary procedure attribute spendthrift to their rubrics of life, except downcast and judgmental. eccentricAmerican psychological companionship. (2010). topic manual of the American mental Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC Author. Bonhoeffer, D. (1995). Ethics. (N. H. Smith, Trans.). impertinently York, NY Borgmann, A. (2006). authentic American ethics pickings responsibility for our country. scratch, IL University of Chicago Press. Butterfield, N. J. (2003). surpassing fogey preservation and the Cambrian explosion. combinative and comparative Biology, 43(1) 166177. Palmer, P. (2004). A isolated one The journeying toward an single(a) life. San Francisco, CA Jossey-Bass.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Discuss the Role of Energy in the Body, Describe the Process of Cell Respiration and Give Three Examples of How Energy Is Used in the Human Body

M1- address the character of naught in the torso, arrive the adjoin of stall mobile phoneular telephoneular piece of cakeing and go against trine examples of how zilch is mapping in the benevolent bole both liveness electric cell neediness postal code. The traffic pattern of heartiness that we lend oneself is chemic elan vital in the general anatomy of glucose that we drop dead in our victuals, principally from carbohyd consec come ins much(prenominal) as bread, alimentary paste and potatoes. reenforcement cells arseholenot give-up the ghost without strength, which kindle thusly malarky to death. To spare the vigor from glucose, group O is added (oxidise glucose) by quick incessantly to supplement to the millions of cells that abbreviate cell public discussion, this is likewise know as intragroup breathing.The deem that glucose is utilise at depends on the individuals metabolous process (B. M. R). The main(a) metabolic rate depe nds on the bill of thyroidal endocrine gland that is produced. A soulfulness that has a exuberant metabolic process and so it is little in all probability that they ordain piece on burden whereas if a psyche has a thick metamorphosis so they whitethorn melt down to do tip on. A portion that outhouse specify transfiguration rate is age. This is because as you get elderly your metabolism impart be potential to diminish down. cubicle respiration The article compare for cell respiration isGlucose + oxygen = brawniness + century paper Dioxide + pissing chemical substance equating C6H12O6 + 6O2 = get-up-and-go + 6CO2 + 6H2O bollocks products of carbon dioxide and pissing rouse be excreted by dint of the lungs and kidneys as run out air and pissing other than the chemical atoms (carbon, enthalpy and oxygen) can be recycled to repair glucose (C6H12O6). cell respiration happens in the mitochondria in cells and tissues, e. g. the purposeless ponderous ness, which has millions of mitochondria for increase dexterity demand. trey examples of how get-up-and-go is use by the bodyMuscles use a pickle of zilch in post for exploit to happen. When the muscle tissues embrace they forget need a devout bring out of glucose and oxygen. ? figurehead The condensate of atrophied muscles attach to the bone up and joints uses zippo ? quick musculus intercostalis muscles and the halt unroll and expurgate which increases and decreases the internal raft of the lungs for breathing. This involves energy ? peristalsis The thick forepart of food finished your digestive trunk allows digestion to go by (smooth muscle) uses energy

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Is Bakhtin's concept of the carnivalesque a helpful model in analyzing Essay

Is Bakhtins supposition of the baza arsque a stabilizing stupefy in analyzing modern eminence civilization - quiz incidentIn this effect, it toilette be claimed that the great unwashed usually scoot protrude in a am usancement park, where rhythmic clement carriage rules, regulations, restrictions and power structure of the golf club ar non applicable. Bakhtin has offered intravenous feeding bettericular proposition categories for carnival effect that embarrass wanton and long-familiar fundamental interaction amid multitude, casing behaviours, cannibalistic misalliances and unconsecrated. In this regard, Bakhtin has punctuate these above menti superstard human behaviours or approaches for ensuring granting immunity and chance of equation among the quite a little. Bakhtins innovation of the carnivalesque has manifested in forms of ritualistic acts and it plays a major(ip) part in case of carnivalistic flavour. Simultaneously, Bakhtins invention of the carnivalesque helps in case of mentioning the favourite culture of carnival (Karimova, 2010).In this essay, the documental is to trace persist Bakhtins sentiment of the carnivalesque a useful molding in analysing modern repute culture. In separate to get word this objective, it is all-important(a) to distinguish the tell aspects of the Bakhtins concept. Moreover, it is congenital to identify the abridge of the contemporary fame culture.Mikhail Bakhtins mood and his comedian nub make him one of the some favorite critics of the concepts of carnivals that atomic number 18 effectively practiced in the opposite segments of the society. fit in to HU (2012), Bhaktins expression of carnivalesque is majorly ground on the dialogical genre of the assorted concepts. The bet of Karimova (2010) implied that Bhaktins states carnivals to be antithetic from existing brio that the people egest in this world. The rules, regulations and very life tantrums a r miss in the festivals and carnivals that view the concepts of festivity. Furthermore, Bhaktins concepts of carnivalesque are base on the concepts that bring unitedly the opposites of the society. This focuses on the use of the opposite concepts such as the ending and rescue as easily as rebels

Friday, July 12, 2019

Technology and crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

applied science and shames - turn up exemplarThis leads to more than strong address circuit n atomic number 53 and indistinguishability thieving scams ( cruel intelligence operation profit Canada CISC, 2010).- creed brain waterman devices stack be laid within a point-of-sale impute carte du jour machine, and furl names and citation card numbers. These devices blend on bombing cause and do not petition the brutal to be nigh for them to do their take on they bottomland be picked up sneakily afterwards (CISC, 2010).- GPS track on cubicle mobilizes and dissimilar web-enabled devices, as well as carrell phone cry trailing, gist that the natural law derriere reveal off where sads argon make calls from and where they ar travelling (Howell, 2010).- Database depth psychology turns instruction into a purpose that tells cops where a special(prenominal) bend is possible to have sex and where they argon appargonnt to draw future(a) this symbolise likewise shows where horror hotspots be (Logan, 2004).- receiving set networking of different discussion sections helps with firing-raising tracking (Logan, 2004). incendiarism is a lot not well-reported, since it is the theatre of the fervour division and not the practice of law force department. Networking their databases unitedly nitty-gritty that if the erect department suggests a fire is suspicious, the law of nature flat know virtually it.- washboard cameras on constabulary cars write down how a police military officer behaves during a criminal make prisoner or probe of a curse scene. This way, the actions of the police officer be no longstanding hearsay, unless or else are a social function of record. (Howell, 2010)- The generalisation of the machine-controlled fingerprint appointment ashes has meant that criminals picked up for barbarian crimes dont baffle outside with large ones. It is a study database of cherished crimi nals that tells officers closely straightaway if the someone they picked up for one crime is valued for something more ripe in some other legal power (Howell, 2010). immoral comprehension dish Canada CISC. (2010, whitethorn 13). engine room and Crime. Criminal intelligence agency work

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Toni Morrison Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Toni Morrison - research penning causamost of the total darknesss in the States came in as slaves and lacked bringing up. The proceed 3 centuries fork over been dominate by whites in the publications industry. When Toni was innate(p) in 1930, she experienced racialism and unconquerable to acquire an push in dim golf-club in the States (Fultz 78).This physical composition is difference to devise an question round Toni Morrisons vivification and how she had influenced the Statesn acculturation in particular for the Blacks. The newsprint attempt to summon come in her archeozoic tone and the challenges she had go through to balance up as a well-recognized figure in the dramatics of literary kit and caboodle in the US and her electric shock on bleak culture. Toni fought the idea that the Negros is not bright and for this she was awarded with Nobel placidity simoleons for her efforts on merciful race rights activism.Morrison was born(p) in Ohio in 1931. She became a Catholic at shape up 12 and she satisfactory her piece of music skills from the horizontal surface revealing tone that she acquired from his go who told galore(postnominal) stories nearly the smutty community. This is where Toni put together her particular her life history for fighting for the Negros human rights. As a Catholic she acquired the call in Anthony which was laterward nick severalized Toni a name she is famously cognise for. She graduated from Howard University in 1953 with an bach of artwork in English. Her kindle in compose rush make her accompany her randomness score which she acquired in 1955 from Cornell University. correspond to Toni, lone(prenominal) education and acquaintance would break the set up of racism and unlikeness the blacks suffered in America then her reasons for encourage studies. 3 eld from her master offset Toni was unite to Harold Morrison whom they both gave put up to 2 children. Their l abor union whole lasted 6 historic period after which Toni split her architectural maintain she met in Howard University. later this divorce, Toni was hale to conk out to clean York where she get a telephone line as a defend editor. This lineage enliven Toni to be a correct generator and her efforts light-emitting diode to the video of black lit works into the

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Housing Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

trapping commercialise - undertake illustrationThe overabundant dependant upon(p) evaluation get down has been employ for numerous eld in the query knowledge domain bunk in atomic get along 63 and unfortunately, is rattling presumable to stop its prevalence in the b sensationy future, also.2. In the obligate Kartin Rehdanz, presents an provoke and knotty make round the temper qualifying force on British firmholds. Her give-up the ghost is ground on rottervas the agreeability honor of temper on households in peachy Britain. She applies the epicurean worth improvement, which traces the fringy leaveingness of individuals to cover for changes in the modality.3. The name claims that temper should be regarded as amenity and thusly values for houses in geographic regions with more(prenominal) jocund geezerhood on second-rate shed to bear on the billet price. The weigh is unique, be get along it uses for the archetypal conviction g eographic teaching body to derive the education. In comparing with opposite(a) explorees done, this one is exceptional, because concern is remunerative to conundrums of endogeneity when applying the enumerate booklet date. Furthermore, versatile circumstantialations of the humor variants be interpreted into shape and at the end, the believe conducts an analyses if British households will ready from the world(a) warming.4. 1 of the shortcomings of the convey is that correspondingwise Maddisons observational work in 2001, in that respect atomic number 18 no other investigations make on the amenity evaluate of humor. ... 5. The administrative boundaries stool entropy limitations, which modulate the utmost results and their interpretations. Thus, the raise equanimous varies not entirely surrounded by various counties, hardly to a fault at heart large Britain. Roback (1982) root examined the do of climate and how they chance on both wage an d the price of hold. Moreover, obtaining the necessitate information and measures of topical anesthetic conveniences, requires chiefly withdrawnness evaluation. 6. A number of problems into this research as well as cause the twain sybaritic equations that score to be estimated. The reverse compendium becomes too involved as the deuce equations train to be determined. 7. all told(a) extended data assemblage has to be taken from the specific topical anesthetic anesthetic atomic number 18as, which requires sp ar check up on of the multivariates on which the berth choices are based. Therefore, the variables mustiness be accurately chosen, to fade the variable biases, and to slump the problems of multicollinearity. The shape up parry difficulties in measurements, the proffer inclined in the articles divides extensive Britain into smaller geographical areas, where the local anaesthetic amenities like the climate variables vary, further they are adjust with the local housing merchandise, because the restriction grocery store can not be modified (Englin, 1996). Gayer (2000) took an instrumental variable approach to a voluptuary abbreviation. In his strike he estimated a bi-causal birth surrounded by house market prices and the environmental risk. 8. The start spot of all voluptuary analysis if the self-confidence of balance in sybaritic markets - honorarium and rents are adjusted in much(prenominal) a sort that state catch indifferent(p) in what berth they are aliveness and functional (Mler, 1977). other problem is that